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A Life Manifesting coaching session will help you align your thoughts, words, and behaviors with the life you want to live.You will receive guidance on what it means and what it looks like to manifest a life of abundance.


*best for individuals who don't know what they want to do, aren't sure what their purpose is, have difficulty recognizing their skills/gifts or connecting them to a life purpose. Also a great option for those who feel trapped in a cycle or are having difficulty coping with their current life status.*


  • Email consultation to discuss needs and expectations.

  • 1 hr coaching session includes:

    • Discussion of life path

    • Personalized action plan

      • Practices and strategies to guide your efforts and to match your frame of mind and behaviors with your goals.

  • Complimentary 30-min follow up session within 10 days.

    • Discounted follow up sessions after 10 day period. (30 min - 1 hr)

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Coaching Services

Help your students focus better, maintain a positive attitude and engage in constructive interpersonal relationships with their classmates using holistic tools and practices including but not limited to: 

  • Affirmation Videos 

    • with or without voice-over 

  • Guided Meditations 

  • Mindfulness Activities 

  • Behavior Recovery 

These tools are designed for school aged children and adolescents. Different content levels are available for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Tools are available individually or as part of a Life Manifesting Wellness Activity Package. 

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Email to Schedule

Schedule Your Coaching Session!

For additional information regarding coaching services, school consulting services or to schedule a session or consultation, please submit the contact form below!

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DISCLAIMER: All Life Manifesting coaching sessions are anonymous unless the client opts to submit a testimonial with their name, initials, location, professional affiliations or any other identifying or personal information. Submitting an inquiry for a coaching session does not guarantee an session will be scheduled. and/or its owner/operator reserves the right to refuse service. If you are scheduled for an electronic coaching session (Google Hangouts or FaceTime) please ensure that your connection is secure. Sessions that are canceled or interrupted due to connectivity issues on part of the client will not be refunded. This service is provided for entertainment purposes ONLY and there are no stated or implied guarantees. Advice and/or information provided by or through its owner/operator should not be used as a substitute for professional, legal, financial, medical or psychiatric advice and/or treatment. I reserve the right to refuse scheduling coaching session pertaining to serious medical conditions, pregnancy, or death. Any decision you make or action you take based on information you obtain on or through it's owner/operator is done of your own free will. By agreeing to submit a question/concern to Life Manifesting you thereby agree to release Life Manifesting and it's owner/operator of ANY AND ALL liability resulting from the use or misuse of information obtained here for any reason.

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