Exercises are crafted to help you build a positive, abundance centered mindset, realize your individual power and harness tools that will facilitate the creation of the life you want to live.

DISCLAIMER: These exercises are tools for spiritual and mental growth. This service is provided with no stated or implied guarantees. These exercises should not be used as a substitute for professional, legal, financial, medical or psychiatric advice and/or treatment. I do not purport or imply to be operating this service as a licensed professional. Please seek the advice of a trained/licensed mental and/or medical health provider about any health related concerns. Any decision you make or action you take based on information you obtain on LifeManifesting.com or through it's owner/operator is done of your own free will. By accessing any of the exercises provided by Life Manifesting you thereby agree to release Life Manifesting and it's owner/operator of ANY AND ALL liability resulting from the use or misuse of information obtained here for any reason.